Horses are very responsive to human emotion and actions - they respond to what we do and how we feel. Horses are present in the here and now. They are the epitome of mindful and present. Horses are honest and non-judgmental. They know if you mean what you say, horses are congruent. The horse invites and challenges people to be respectful, authentic, responsible and dependable in how we relate. If our communication is clear, congruent and consistent, the horse will be a willing cooperative partner…leading to learning better life skills!
The key to the effectiveness of Equine Assisted Therapy, or EAP, is the horses' sensitivity in response to any changes participants make. Horses respond to people's intentions and sense this through a person's non-verbal behavior and internal states. Horses give immediate direct feedback about any changes in behavior - what works, what doesn't work, what is helpful or not helpful. This assists people to take responsibility for their emotions, decisions, actions, and choices. When you change your thinking, and actions the horse will respond differently. Learning, awareness, and changes occur through doing, experimenting, problem solving, and finding the best solutions.
Horses are often safer and more reliable in their way of relating than people are. Through participant's interactions with our horses, participants learn and practice healthy communication and conflict resolution skills. These skills assist them in successfully navigating difficult relationships and working together with others.
Being with and around horses is an empowering experience and encourages participants to feel, reach out and to connect with the world. Horses will be our guides and teachers through the process.
©2018 Copyright Medicine Horse LLC